The Law Firm of Decision, Choice & Will
Decision: The action or process of reaching a conclusion after consideration.
Choice: An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
Will: A deliberate or fixed desire or intention by which a person decides on and initiates action.
I’m gonna scramble some eggs for ya to make my omelet on the subject. If things happen for a reason, some things must happen for no reason. Hard work leads to opportunities and door handles; luck and circumstance assist in knob turning; timing and charm thrust doors open; and the wise and witty will turn to say “come on in,” “you’re welcome,” and “thank you.”
Why do we have to work so hard to get what we want? What does hard work get us and why does it grind us? What keeps you from doing what you wanna do? Are you always giving reasons for not doing what you want to do every day? My story is a wake-up call for you to figure out what you wanna do before you die. I wanna force the issue and pressure you to make decisions, given the choices you have created for yourself. Starting now. Why wait? Tick tock goes the clock and death is knocking.
I found the more the excuses I made up, the more energy I wasted on meaningless crap. I used to have an excuse for everything and justified my every action, especially as a teenager. You know what happened? People (mostly friends and family) got tired of my venting, justifying, and reasoning. Everybody has problems. Yours are yours, mine were mine. Sure, you would like guidance, support, and assistance, but most of your friends have better things to do. Your family and close friends usually won’t get too tired of you because they love you and will do anything for you. Or maybe they’ve trained their selective hearing to focus on your needy voice and are always ready to respond. Consider this: You don’t always need family to find your support.
Trying hard and failing is okay and must be done. The will to try something new, having the courage to start it, and the resolve to see it through and possibly finish it are the fuel behind the determination and power to get you to your goal. You can’t control everything around you, but you can control your actions and give your best effort. There will be plenty of obstacles and people questioning you, so go for what you deicide anyway. Every day should be great, but today- the day you read this and the next day- should be the best day. Don’t hesitate to make changes. You are in control of you. You are the main topic of your story. If you don’t like your story, change what you can now.
The Disney movie Prefontaine was a good example of tenacity, what happens as a result of a random accident, and how much of an impact one person made before and after death. Is it still possible to make a difference in the days of many heroes, influencers, inventions, apps, and nonsocial social media? What will you do to move the needle towards your legend?
It’s remarkable what people go through every day. Yet despite the evolution of mankind, nothing has drastically changed. We do what we can to provide for and protect ourselves and our families from hunger, poverty, and sadness. People strive to be efficient, find comfort, search for answers, and take risks. They still must make big life decisions with small daily adjustments, using a sense of timing, emotional awareness, survival instincts, and maintaining their will to live. Decision-making is an essential ingredient in your life’s scrambled eggs: it includes restrictions, reaction times, planning, spontaneity, body movement, and the senses. Decision-making also involves commitment, voluntary or involuntary. Choosing not to do anything is still a choice and we own the consequences, positive or negative.
We live in a world with too many choices. The magnitude of commercialization and media has created the need for even more decisions we should not have to make. It’s rediculous how many different styles of consumer products are made for each country, in different colors, with the same basic functions. Think about the row of refrigerators or washing machines at Home Depot or Best Buy. If you’ve been to Auckland or Shanghai, you would notice only a few different kinds of toilets and a few styles of fridges available. Much simpler. Same with traditional media. These days, y’all consume digital media at such a high rate that dating apps are like video games, golf lessons can be taken on your phone, betting on sporting events happen in real time, and movie theaters literally have shaking seats. Then there is VR and AR that bend reality into goggles.
We are making choices constantly. Turn left, turn right, answer a call, have a drink, send a text, call your mom, tell a friend a secret. While our brains can function at a high level, most of the time we dumb down to the basics to survive the day. Life has been made easier. Most of us don’t farm or hunt for work or survival anymore. We work with technology forcing faster reactions making our quick choices affect us in many ways every day.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One, as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
My interpretation of this quote is:
1. Live as if you could die at any moment. If you were like Prefontaine, can you make a difference while alive AND after you die?
2. Enjoy every moment until you die, not worrying about when or how your demise will happen. Since you’re not gonna typically die by choice, nor choose when it will occur, you must do your best every day to be extraordinary.
The puzzle work continues. What you decide at each pulsating tick of blood flow will use the electric impulse of your selection to create life balance in an instant. What you decide to do moment to moment carves and shapes the portion of your universe you will traverse until you step into death. Since your biological pathways transfer energy in pulses when you step forward and step astray, the stray will find you. When you think bad thoughts, bad thoughts will steer you. Not Karma catching up to but desire leading you. If you create your honest path in life, society (as you perceive it) will adore you and your soul will be complete, though the soul needs no admiration. Your soul is complete when you are complete. Maybe being incomplete deep inside is due to something missing, some love lost. If spiritually minded, living in the present, you are where you are supposed to be. If you create a dishonest past and you sell those around you a bill of goods, it does not make life better for anyone but yourself, you are placed on Santa’s naughty list and your soul will have a grimness to pull your spirit down. Fix any bad patterns now.
Let’s say life really sucks and nothing is working, the time machine is broken and everything around you feels dark and heavy. I call that depression, deep-pression. It is the deep pressure pushing your spirit down. Is it healthy to be de-pressed? As opposed to being be-pressed, or be-pression, where pressures surrounding your day force you into making good decisions to take care of you, to press the right buttons for you just to be you, just to be happy, just to be. If you become depressed, pushing your buttons down so far they get stuck, you could lose sight of everything. Depression affects your every move, and it causes second-guessing, unnatural fear, lack of confidence, and unfamiliar emotional surges. This is when people shoot out a post office or kick the kitty. Deep pressure is unreasonable, possibly clinical, enough to rattle the cage and knock loose some of the tail feathers. Stick to your guns and pull through like a phoenix from the flames. Find some motivation, determination, and your competence to survive. Use the pressure to make a diamond out of the situation. Your tenacity and perseverance will be your allies, get the spirit and the soul to balance you completely. Find ways to breathe properly to make it happen. Yes, breath work. Look it up. Breathing is the life force of your day. Bad patterns can cause us to hold our breath when we get stressed. Getting oxygen circulating throughout the body is essential for stable health and proper breathing and, like taught in yoga and sound baths, can elevate you. The old tale of taking 10 breaths before you do something stupid is an example of slowing down and slowing the breath. (Long thought. Almost done.)